Does anyone have any video or guide suggestions for changing the PTU fluid on a 2015 Explorer? Thanks!
If there isn’t a drain hole, start by opening the fill plug. You can either use a tube to suck the fluid out or drill a hole to create a drain. The system doesn’t hold much fluid, so it’s best to change it every 25k to 30k miles.
My Explorer has a newer style with a cooler, so there wasn’t a fill plug. I extended the air breather tube up to near my master cylinder and refilled it that way.
Hi everyone, I also own a 2015 Explorer. Changing the PTU fluid was really tough, and I’m not looking forward to doing it again in another 30,000 miles. You have to do it when the car is completely cold because the catalytic converter is very close to the fill plug. You’ll need a suction device from Harbor Freight to get the fluid out.
First, remove the fill plug, then insert the tube and suck out the fluid. You might need to move the tube around to get more out. Once it’s empty, measure the exact amount of new fluid you need and find a way to put it back in. A long clear hose works well. Some people drill drain holes in the PTU to make it easier, but it’s riskier
How long did the entire process take you???
I used gravity and a siphon pump to drain the fluid, thinking it would be thinner. I was wrong! It took forever to drain. If you have a good suction device and the right hose to fill it, you could finish the job in about an hour.
tbh i got lucky with my 2015 police interceptor utility because it has a drain plug. The vent extension is really helpful for refilling the PTU. I used a simple pump that screws onto the top of the oil bottle. I stuck the hose from the pump into the vent extension and slowly pumped in the fluid. The pump pushes the fluid in faster than gravity. I also took the pump off a few times to equalize the pressure, so it doesn’t spill when I remove the hose.