Less than 1000 miles on a 2022 ford explorer

It’s a police car… drove it off the lot at 2:30, was in a high-speed chase by 3:00.

On a tow truck by 5:00.

There must have already been a defect in the engine if it locked up that fast. Send the engine to I Do Cars for a teardown!

We have these Explorers at work at Union Pacific. Some have over 300k miles of pure abuse. Always amazed they’ve lasted that long being straight abused every day.

That’s surprising because I work at a Ford dealership, and I can tell you these things are turds.

What happened at less than 1000 miles that made you investigate the oil?

The motor locked up in the middle of a high-speed chase.

Exploder living up to the name.

Wait… I thought proper break-in procedures weren’t needed anymore? Just send it!

Fix Or Repair Daily!

Oooh glitter.

Good ol’ Ford Exploder!

What engine is this?